
The best thing ever

The best thing in the world (besides food) is an event called the Pile. When a Pile is announced, we jump up on the king-size bed and socialize with the humans. We get lots of praise and attention. We never get tired of hearing how cute we are and what good dogs we are. Sometimes we swoon over onto our backs to get tummy rubs. Then we start competing for attention. We get called "jellybeans." That sounds suspiciously similar to the word "jealous." Probably a coincidence, but who cares, anyway? With dogs, the end ALWAYS justifies the means. I can be really persistent. I am referred to as Attention Hound or Demando Snout.

When the male human decides to host a Pile while reading a book, the event is more subdued. We have to sit around chewing a Nylabone or just acting lazy. It's called "bonding." It's better than nothing, but sometimes I get bored and start trouble.
